Saturday 17 March 2012

Sandra Barr "Something inside so wrong"

Second star to the right and straight ahead till morning:

A Short Time Ago In a Galaxy Far Far Away........

                                                       Episode I
                         The Phantom Menace

                              Turmoil has engulfed the federation & all is not well
                              on planet Barr, confusion has infiltrated the realm
                              of Sith lord Sandra, a clone war is not  light years away.
                              There has been a major shift within the force an epidemic
                              of galactic proportion has infected the small planet of Barr.

                              Paranoia & delusion has overcome this little rock tucked
                              away in the far corner of the universe. impending doom
                              can only be avoided if Sith lord Sandra finds her Zen.

                             Proof of this cosmic shift in mental stability has appeared
                             on the blogsphere recently posted within the data matrix
                             system on planet earth.

                            All efforts were made by the federation to thwart the public
                            display of  deranged ramblings of Sith lord Sandra but a glitch
                            in broadband size has halted all censorship and to the dismay
                            of all inhabitants on planet Barr, this is now public.

                            In the name of love & light it is best to sprinkle some stardust
                            on our leaders ramblings as embarrassing at it will look we 
                            have no choice but to save ourselves.

                           We can only apologise in advance.....See here Sandra's Blog 
                           Sith lord Sandra has been sucked into a black hole.
                           In this particular Blog she attacks a mortal or cyber being by
                           the name of Gabe Nelson. 

                           Sandra has written a lengthy episode on this entity or humanoid
                           and also given her own comprehensive Psychoanalysis on this.
                           Her highness also states without doubt there are others involved 
                           and posts alleged comments and emails allegedly written by this
                           person/entity/cyberperson/imaginary humanoid.
                           Its is clear to us that Sandra seems to have it all figured out
                           going by her analysis of the situation.

                           Sandra writes of quotes, situations, tactics, mind control, aggression,
                           sabotage, intimidation, address, occupation collusion with named others
                           all allegedly connected and working with Gabe Nelson & she is definite
                           about what she writes.

                          Sandra finishes off the helter skelter of paragraphs by stating that
                          Gabe is not really real...He was an invention of others. 
                          Note: Sandra also posts a picture of the said entity????????? 

                           It was time to take a break at this point and listen to some Labi Siffre.

                           By the end of the Labi Siffre fix I felt like i had exited a wormhole
                           and been pulled through an asteroid belt by the ankles.
                           THEN a supernova occurred and i realised our very own
                           Sith Lord has publicly posted quotes & paragraphs of 
                           an entity that she (Her Highness) believes does NOT exist. 

                          We at the federation have taken measures and sent out various 
                          drones to look for Sandra's mind, we currently believe it is 
                          somewhere within the dark side of the moon.
                          Bounty hunters inform us she has taken up permanent residence
                          with the occupants of  la,la,land & we believe this to be voluntary
                          exile (if true)

                         Our council have taken it upon themselves to re-enlist Lord Sandra
                         back into jedi school upon her return, a delay in the radio transmissions
                         are at peak due to interference of Labi Siffre echoing throughout the galaxy.
                         A care package has been dispatched.

                         In the meantime we will make sure we keep planet Barr in the dystopian
                         condition our good lord Sandra born us into & we will stick to the code
                         of conduct & our councils pledge which is:
                        "If you scratch your head hard enough, you
                   will find the truth. If not, make it up"

                                  Captain's log end. Star date  56/14/0001







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